School dropout
Read his NLP methods.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Task 1 - Milestone 1


After reading several articles on how easy it is to implement AJAX with DWR, I decided to give it a try.

"DWR allows Javascript in a browser to interact with Java on a server and helps you manipulate web pages with the results."

True enough, with sufficient knowledge of javascript, working AJAX with DWR was like snatching candy from kids.

It only took 3 pages of DWR reading to achieve my task 1 AJAX objectives:
The simple AJAX implementation with DWR also allowed polling and updating of my portlet to be done with just a if(true) loop with a setTimeOut().

Multiple Instances of Portlet

Googled for how to develop portlets which allowed multiple instances, but to no avail. So posted a msg to the liferay forums.

Add this tag true
to the portlet configuration in liferay-portlet-ext.xml.

Simple as that.

Time to meet my boss.

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