School dropout
Read his NLP methods.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Task 1

  • implement a portlet which updates itself through AJAX.
  • multiple instances of portlet
  • portlet design
  • portlet with AJAX
  • how to have more than 1 instance or portlet

Monday, December 18, 2006

Environment Setup

Setting up the development environment was a breeze.
Good documentation and tutorials were freely available.

My recommendation is to go through the presentations in the developer zone.

or the tutorials atLiferayPedia

NOT RECOMMENDED to use the liferay quickstart guide as there are some little mistakes here and there that wasted a few hours of my time. The quickstart guide 4.0.0 is still RC1 as I am typing this document. RC1 is not good enough, yet.

Next step is to write a portlet...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Why Liferay?

As you should already know since you are reading this blog, there are quite a number of portal solutions out there, two of the most talked about being Liferay Portal and JBoss Portal. So why was Liferay chosen?

InfoWorld has done an excellent comparison of Liferay 4.0 and JBoss 2.2.1 here and Liferay emerged as a clear winner, at least where usability is concerned.

Lennard Fuller also did a comparison of portals like JetSpeed, GridSphere, eXo, StringBeans, along with JBoss and Liferay, which can be found here.

Punit Pandey, who has a pretty good blog on Portals made some suggestions that if you want:
  1. portal easy to work with - Stringbeans, and eXo
  2. portal with many out-of-the-box portlets - Liferay
  3. portal with extendible architecture and standard support - eXo
  4. JSR 168 compliant portlet container - eXo, and JBoss
Liferay has came out tops in both comparisons, and most importantly, my boss chose Liferay. :)


Welcome to Liferay Learnings!

Simply put, I was tasked to do research and development on an enterprise portal solution, Liferay Portal.

Liferay Learnings will document my progress and of course, learnings.

I believe in open source and I hope readers will benefit in a way or two from this blog of mine.